Tech Insights 2019 | The Game Changers Edition
July 3rd, 2019

TECH INSIGHTS 2019: Game Changers between challenges and opportunities
We are incredibly pleased of the success of Tech Insights’ fourth edition on June 24th. Held at Talent Garden Calabiana in Milan, our event was attended by over 250 selected senior executives, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, who came from all over the world to discuss some very relevant topics at the conjunction of technology, economics, and society.
This year the theme was Game Changers: technological trends with revolutionary potential, able to change the rules of the game of their respective sectors. And, entrepreneurs who will be able to seize the opportunities offered by enabling technologies, radically innovating the sectors in which they operate with a strong impact on economies and societies.
The assumption we started from was that technology is not intrinsically good or bad – depending on how it is used, it can produce positive and negative outcomes. It can generate both hope, and fear; and progress driven by technology can be at the same time creative, and destructive.
It generates complexity that can be solved only by additional creative solutions, and this relationship between problems and solutions represents the engine of the never-ending innovation process.
This is why we chose Game Changers as the topic for 2019 Tech Insights.
Game Changers are those who, confronted by the big problems of their era, not only see the threat but always the opportunity for new solutions; they see problems from a different angle and start to act upon their vision.
We know what the building blocks of this process are:
- Entrepreneurial talent nurtured in community of likeminded people;
- The knowledge and technology generated by the scientists;
- Patient and committed capital;
- The rise of the conscious consumer that by demanding products or services that are sustainable or help promote a positive impact on the world are reshaping and creating new markets.
This is a great opportunity and the playground for the Game Changers of our time.
The Agenda
After the Opening Remarks by Massimiliano Magrini, the conference started with a keynote by Roberto Cingolani, Scientific Director of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) dedicated to the theme “Technology, sustainability and future: why we need lateral thinking?”.
Cingolani’s talk was followed by the round table “Playground for Game Changers” with Gill Cogan of Opus Capital, Gianni Cuozzo of Exein, Tommaso Gecchelin of Next Future Transportation and Alston Zecha of Eight Roads, while the panel “When Talents meets Capitals” saw the participation of Antonio Avitabile of Sony Innovation Fund, Davide Dattoli of Talent Garden, Reshma Kalimi of Stripes Group, Diva Tommei of Solenica and Luca Verre of Prophesee.
Corrado Passera, CEO of illimity, and Michael Harte, Chief Operating Officer of Santander UK met in the fireside chat “The Challenge of Corporate Innovation”, followed by the round table “Reconnecting the Dots” with Matthieu Baret from Idinvest, Andrea Calcagno from Cloud4Wi, Finja Carolin Kütz from Unicredit and Nir Livneh from Equalum. Paolo Gesess closed the conference with his Final Remarks.